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How to Deal with a Forced Cost of Living Crisis 

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This is a time of great opportunity. Where we, the everyday people of this World, can all make a huge difference. We can reshape our future as the strong and capable 99%. In order to do this, we must find ways to come together, heal together, change together, and live together more harmoniously. When everything we need to survive or have been led to believe we need to survive, rises in cost to the point of becoming inaccessible to the average person, we face huge problems. The cost-of-living crisis sees huge impacts on our life. It also creates behavioural changes too! I have put together loads of information to help you, to help yourself, through this difficult time. Topics covered are as followed... Food Water Heating Lighting Energy Clothes Health & Medical Needs Financial Community Mental Health Threat of Eviction & Homelessness Survival Basics Sanitation & Cleanliness Crime & Civil Unrest S.M.A.R.T Goals Charities I have compiled as much information in each category as I possibly can, to bring as much value to you as possible. I have also added the energetics to most of these categories to assist in going a little deeper in the understanding of why things are happening and showing up right now. Also, I add coaching, healing and self-enquiry, as well as an affirmation. I include a list of charities too, to help signpost you in the right places to reach out for help if you need to do so.

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